BioTonic Power
Product Description
This product is based on micro organism i.e. Mycorrhiza which increases the availability of nutrients from soil to plants. It increases yield by speeding up the growth of plant also by improvement of soil quality. By its application the plant will be able to absorb more nutrient available in soil. It also enhances the plant immunity against flood, draught and diseases. Higher crop yield with better quality produce can be achieved by less fertilization, and less water consumption. This product is useful for all crops, cereal, fruits, flowers, vegetables, and Tubers. This can be used as seed treatment, root treatment or soil treatment. It is the non-toxic, non-chemical organic product.

# Total Mycorrhizal viable propogules – 100 per gram or Infectivity Potential 80 IP per gram root.
Colour : White, State : Powder
Packing Size
100 gm, 250 gm, and 500 gm
- Better seed Germination
- Increases density of roots
- Increases number of tillers
- Enhances immunity
- Improves fruiting and quality
- Increases yield
- Better resistance towards diseases caused by soil-borne pathogens
- Fewer seeds required for similar yield
- Helps in fighting biotic and abiotic stress
- It can help reduce the usage of chemical fertilizers and pesticides
- It can reduce the irrigation requirement to some extent
- It can increase the yields of crops under most conditions
- It can improve the nutritional quality of the crops
Method of Application
Seed coating- 150 to 200 grams powder is enough for coating the seed required per acres. APPLY THE POWDER TO COAT ON SEED before sowing by mixing with optimum quantity of water.
Root Treatment- Mix 300 grams powder with 10-20 liter water for each acre, then dip the roots before planting/ sowing.
Soil treatment- Mix 500 gram powder with 25 to 50 liter water or 20-30 kg Organic Fertilizer, Compost, Farm Yard Manure for each acre and apply it in to roots zone.
Do not store in high heat and high moisture conditions. Open the packet on the day of use.